CASA has a dedicated outreach worker to provide support to individuals and couples sleeping rough.
Support is offered via respectful and culturally appropriate engagement, to facilitate rough sleepers from street to home.
Where do I sleep tonight or seek help?
Temporary Accommodation Options
CASA Ph 4951 4299
St Vinnies Mens Hostel Ph 4957 3955
Lowanna House (Women) via Mackay Women's Service Ph 4957 3955
Kalyan House (Youth) Ph 4951 4352
Samaritan House (Domestic Violence) Ph 13 11 44
Homeless Hotline Ph 1800 474 753
Please contact CASA Outreach officer for more information of services.
*** TELSTRA PAYPHONES ARE FREE TO USE for standard national and mobile calls *** Selected Telstra Wi-Fi enabled phones also have FREE WI-FI.
Refer to map below for Mackay City phone locations. Phones with Wi-Fi hotspot are located at 140 Victoria St, 126 Victoria St, 145 Victoria St, 24 Gordon St, 37 Victoria St.